Scantrol selected as CRISP partner

Scantrol's innovative Deep Vision project has been selected to be part of the Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Pre- processing technology (CRISP).  A recent article in Innovation International talks about the groundbreaking project and Scantrol's part of it.

Initiated by the Institute of Marine Reasearch (IMR) and sponsored by the Norwegian Research Council, the aim of CRISP is to develop smarter technologies to meet future challenges for a sustainable and economical viable fishing industry.A groundbreaking effort in fishing research, Scantrol's Deep Vision project has been selected to be part of this project. Deep Vision is an underwater vision system for recording and measuring fish. In a recent article in Innovation International, head of CRISP, John Willy Waldemarsen, talks about the the project and Scantrol's involvment with it.Related:


Deep Vision featured on


Deep Vision presented at ICES 2012